Really enjoyed this confab of Nora experts! And now I'm kind of all in on the idea of a Heartburn remake, complete with boygenius soundtrack 😀

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Thank you!! I feel like Nora would somehow approve a Wilde adaptation — even with the plot twist!

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May 27Liked by Erin Carlson

Finally had the chance to sit and read this - can feel the fun the three of you had through the words. Loved it - and loved the pic at the end!

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Thank you!

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May 22Liked by Erin Carlson

First of all, love a Meg Ryan Fall and second of all - thank YOUR - lol! 😂 I had THEBEST time reading this...thanks for letting us know about these two new books! I'm coming up on a year on the upper west side and remember reading yours during my move and it made me extra excited. 😀

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I LOVE THAT! Happy Upper West Side-iversary. I will never miss an opportunity to quote Frank Navasky.

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May 22Liked by Erin Carlson

I have always loved Nora Ephron movies and writing. Thank you for bringing others to the table

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Thanks for reading, Susan!

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